QIAWI Anti-Snoring Device – Your Path to Quiet Nights
Why Am l Still Snoring and What Can I Do Aboutlt?

You’ve already noticed that your snoring ismaking your life and your partner’s life much more difficult— or maybe your family members’ lives, or your roommate’s.
And these are others ways it may be impacting your life:
– Younever feel restedno matter how much you sleep
– You experiencefrequent headaches
– You wake up withdry, cotton mouth
– Youfeel embarrassed and ashamedto sleep next to anyone
– Youlack energythroughout the day
We know this becausesnoring affects almost half of Americans(44% of Males and 27% of Females). And it’s known to only get worse with age.

If snoring is so common and creates so many problems, why haven’t we cured it?
There are dozens of “anti-snoring solutions” that promise the world yet underdeliver.
From nasal strips and dilators…
To mouth tape and chin straps…
To ‘snoring exercises’ and special pillows…
But if it was really possible to silence your snoring with $12 nose strips, why are people still snoring?
First, you need to understand how snoring works
The root cause of snoring is your jaw relaxing and falling backward while you sleep.
This pulls the tongue and soft tissues, which block the airway.
So when some air manages to pass through this narrow passage, it creates the vibration we all know as snoring.
The reason most ‘anti-snoring solutions’ don’t work is becausethey may let more air in, but they don’t let more air through
Okay – but if snoring is caused by my jaw falling backwards, will sleeping on my side fix it?
Great question.
Sleeping on your side can help lessen the sound of snoring – but the reality is your jaw can still fall backwards (just at an angle) tugging on the soft tissues and tongue and blocking the airway. In short, it helps, but doesn’t make snoring go away.
So that’s whyit doesn’t matter if you sleep on your back, your side, or even sitting up…
You can still snore and feel its unwanted side effects.
And just in case you think“But what if I lose weight?”
Yes, being overweight does make snoring worse because it could lead to excess soft tissue in the throat (blocking the airway even more)…
But your weight isn’t the only reason you snore. There are thin people who snore, there are overweight people who snore…
So how do I unblock my airway and let air pass through so I can silence my snoring?
There are two scientifically-proven ways to stop snoring. The first are CPAPs.
CPAPs are machines prescribed by doctors that are used to help patients with sleep apnea byforcing air down the throat.
95% of people with sleep apnea snore, but not all people who snore have sleep apnea.
And while CPAPs are known to help with snoring, they’re also:
→ Uncomfortable.Picture sleeping with a Darth Vader mask on…
→ Expensive.They can cost upwards of $1,500+ and aren’t always covered by insurance…
→ Bulky.What happens if you travel or spend the night somewhere?
And let’s be honest, no one likes them. The big whoosh of air in your throat.
The restrictive mask on your face. It can be a lot to adjust to. Studies suggest that from one-third to more than 50% of patients either stop using their CPAP machine or never bother to fill their prescriptions.
The better way to stop snoring is to keep the jaw forward in its natural position so that the tongue can’t fall backwards and the airway stays open for smooth breathing and no snoring.
That’s what MADs are designed to do.
What are MADs? And are they uncomfortable?
MAD is short forMandibular Advancement Device,which are custom mouthguards that manage snoring by moving the jaw forward, opening blocked airways, and stopping snoring at the source.
They are better than CPAPs in many ways…
Allowing air to flow freely through your throat without any force…
And you can take them with you anywhere.
But here’s the catch…
These MADs are custom-made to your bite, and due to their complex design,they can cost upwards of $2,000.
And to get it, you also need to see a dentist, an ENT and an orthodontist, which can take months…
And most of the time, they aren’t even covered by insurance (absurd).
As you can imagine, most folks can’t afford these hefty fees, no matter how much snoring is ruining theirs and their partner’s lives.
Plus, their design forces your mouth shut and they’re made of hard plastic, which doesn’t make them the most comfortable solution either
If MADs are so expensive and take forever to get, what should I do?
You really have 3 options.
Option 1. Do Nothing
This is a very bad idea.
This block in your throat that causessnoring is preventing oxygen from reaching your brain and body…Causing unexplained headaches, brain fog, and fatigue…
And over time, this oxygen deficit could even lead to high blood pressure, serious heart problems, and even brain damage.
Option 2. Get a Custom-Made Mandibular Advancement Device (MAD) From A Doctor
The biggest problem here is price, but also speed and comfort. The average cost of a MAD is $2,129.
You will also have to pay all of the costs of dentists, ENTs and orthodontists on top of this – then wait months to receive your MAD. And you may still find it to be stiff and uncomfortable… and there’s no guarantee, so if you don’t like it you wasted a lot of money!
This is the main reason why almost 37 million Americans are still snoring regularly.
Option 3. Solve The Problem Yourself
There is now one, affordable solution to silence your snoring without feeling like you’re wearing anything at all.
It’s called a QIAWI Plus anti-snoring mouthpiece.

What is QIAWI?
QIAWI Plus is an ultra-thin mouthpiece developed by a leading Italian orthodontist that you place in your mouth before going to sleep.
It’s completely adjustable, so it adapts to fit your unique bite, and it’s so thin that you forget you’re wearing it.
The QIAWI Plus keeps your lower jaw in proper alignment so it doesn’t fall back while you sleep, opening your airway fully and preventing you from snoring.
You don’t have to boil it, microwave it, or mold it…
You simply adjust the upper and lower try to fit your bite and let it work its magic.It’s easy, instant and completely foolproof.

How is it different from a traditional MAD?
QIAWI Plus overcomes the3 main problemswith traditional MADs:comfort, speed and price.
The first problem with MADs is that they actually force the mouth shut – so the team created their proprietary Free-byte technology for addedcomfortso you can move your mouth freely while you sleep.
MADs are bulky and hard – so they perfected the device using the thinnest and softest medical-grade materials on the market.It’s less than 1 mm thin!
And finally, there’s the issue ofprice…
Because anything custom-made is going to cost a fortune. So the QIAWI team worked tirelessly to create ONE device that canbe easily adjusted to fit any bite.
It doesn’t matter if you have a big jaw, a small jaw – this one comes with25 adjustable settingsand it can be easily customized, as if it was made just for you!
All you have to do is pull the upper and lower trays and snap them back to the shape of your mouth.So easy!
And because this eliminates those long wait times,you can silence snoring in a matter of days as opposed to months… and at a tiny fraction of the price!

So how much does it cost?
This is the most impressive part of the QIAWI Plus mouthpiece.
It was actually designed to be ahigh quality solutionthat every snorercould afford.
And by selling directly to you, so there are no middlemen taking a cut, QIAWI was able to slash the full retail cost to just $100.
But that’s not what you have to pay.
Right now there is a way to get the QIAWI Plus for even less.
How do I purchase the QuietLab Plus for under $100?
For the people on this page, there is a50% salerunning on the QIAWI Plus right now.
This 50% discount will bring the price you pay today tounder $49.99
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